Information about Qijco

Terms of Service

Terms of Service

1- Preamble
2- Legal information
3- Purpose
4- Definitions
5- Contact
6- User account
7- Notification system 
8- Contents 
9- Terms of payment
10- Service charges (for online payments)
11- General Terms and Conditions of Sale 
12- General Rental Conditions 
13- DAC7 directive for digital platforms
14- Regulations for DMA and DSA digital services
15- General conditions of application 
16- Intellectual property 
17- Applicable law 
18- Modification of conditions of use
19- Protection of personal data


Welcome to our website!

Whether you are just visiting or registered with us, please read please read our terms of use carefully.

By using the platform hereby declare that you accept the terms and conditions of use conditions of use.

The purpose of these terms of use is to define the terms and conditions and conditions under which users may benefit from the various services services provided by Qijco on the understanding that Qijco acts solely as an intermediary as a service intermediary, by putting renters/renters between renters/renters and sellers/buyers.

Thank you for using our platform.


The Qijco platform has its registered office at 1050 Ixelles, 369 Chaussée de Boondael, is registered with the Banque Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE) under number 1007.076.863, represented by Marine Emmery.
E-mail address:


Qijco is exclusive owner of the website and its derivative addresses.

Registration is completely free of charge.

Qijco is a classifieds platform dedicated to new and used tools as its name suggests, for hardware, gardening, construction construction and tools.

It therefore offers a matchmaking service to enable the sale and rental between private individuals or professionals. 


- Qijco is the platform for users seeking to sell or rent or rent goods related to the hardware, gardening, construction and hardware, gardening, construction and tools.

- The Qijco platform refers to Qijco and its associated services accessible from the website:

- The service refers refers to the platform.

- TERMS OF USE means the present Terms of Use.

- "GTCS" means the General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

- "CRC" means the General Rental Conditions.

- Visitor means any natural person not registered on the platform; who may use our site without having to register, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

- User means any natural person who uses the platform, whether private or professional.

- Individuals means any natural person registering on the platform.

- Professional means any entity, individual or company subject to VAT, registering on the platform.

- Buyer means the user who purchases goods on the platform.

- Seller means the user who adds goods for sale on the platform.

- Renter means the user who offers goods for rent. rental.

- Renter means the user who rents and makes a reservation with a reservation with a rental company.

- Rental is an official document which legalizes the rental conditions between the lessor and the lessee of a property.

- Listing means any publication by a user on the platform.

- Deposit is an amount that the lessor may require to guarantee the security of a rental. rental.

- Transaction is the finalization of the sale or rental by means of a payment.

- Stripe is a secure payment service provider that makes transactions secure transactions.

- Content refers text, images or other information that may be published, uploaded, linked or otherwise made uploaded, linked or otherwise made available by you, regardless of the form form of such content.

- Chat is the tool that allows users to contact users to contact Qijco so that the latter can respond to their queries requests concerning the use of the platform.


If you have any questions about these Terms of Use Terms of Use or concerning the use of our platform, you can please contact us:

- By e-mail:

- By visiting our website: (Chat support, Contact us)

Qijco will make every effort to respond within a reasonable time. reasonable time.


First of all, you should know that although our platform is mainly national, it remains accessible on a European and international scale when you access our site from another country.

The conditions of use specific to each country, as well as local local privacy policies and regulations, always apply.

It is also important to note that the use of our service from abroad may incur additional charges.

We reserve the right to restrict access to our platform for users identified from outside the EU.

6.1 Registration and create an account

The platform is exclusively intended for use by any natural person over the age of 18, or authorized by a legal representative legal representative, or administrator of the person and/or in order to access the access to the platform and become a full-fledged user of the platform.

Registration by minors is strictly forbidden. By accessing, using or registering on the Qijco platform, you confirm and and certify that you are 18 years of age or older.

The platform enables users to view and publish ads in the fields of hardware, gardening, construction and tools. tools.

Viewing ads is free and does not require registration. However, the publication of an ad or the commitment of a purchase or rental rental requires the creation of an account.

Registration is completely free of charge.

To create an account, you have the following options:

- Click on the "Register" tab and create your account by entering your e-mail address, first name, surname, date of birth date of birth and choose a password.

- Connect to your Facebook and Google Facebook and Google account.

By activating this option on Qijco, you accept that some of your information from Facebook and Google can be accessed, published on Qijco and stored. You withdraw this consent at any time. For further details on the treatment of your Facebook-related data, please consult our privacy privacy policy.

When you create an account with us, you must provide us with accurate, complete and up-to-date information. Failure to do so information is a breach of the Terms and Conditions, which may result in immediate immediate termination of your account.

To register on the platform, you must first have read and ticked conditions of use and the privacy policy. privacy policy.

Once this step has been completed, the user will have access to the Qijco platform.

You may not use as your user name the name of another person or entity or entity or that is not legally available for use by anyone other than you without proper authorization, or a name that is otherwise offensive vulgar or obscene.

6.2 Review of account

We do not perform background checks.

We therefore accept no liability for the reliability, accuracy and completeness of the information provided by users.

However, to ensure transparency, trust and prevent fraud, we may ask you to provide us with supporting documents for identity verification in case of doubt.

6.3 Account password

If you register by e-mail, you are responsible for protecting the password password you use to access the service and for any activity or action that occurs under under your password, whether your password is linked to our service or to a third-party social media service.

You agree not to divulge your password to any to a third party. You must notify Qijco immediately if you become aware of any you become aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account to the following e-mail address:

6.4 Termination of account

Any reproduction, representation, publication, transmission use or modification, extraction, of all or part of the elements and this, in any way whatsoever, without the prior written consent of of Qijco is unlawful.

Such illicit acts engage the responsibility of the user and are likely and may result in legal action being taken against the user, in particular for counterfeiting.

The user may not open more than one account on the platform and may not open an account in the name of a third party.

The user therefore undertakes to respect the rights of third parties and to comply with laws in force. The user also undertakes not to use the website for illegal illegal purposes, and not to make any statements or engage in any conduct that is contrary to Qijco, as well as to the regulations, laws in force and good morals.

The photos, information and data submitted by the user must be be true to life and relate only to the property itself.

The user must not, in any form whatsoever, oppose the proper functioning of the services of the Qijco platform under penalty of prosecution. The Qijco platform reserves the right to delete the account(s) of the user not respecting the present Terms of Use, without compensation or reimbursement, if the user does not respect the aforementioned terms.

We may terminate or suspend your user account immediately, without notice or refund, for any reason whatsoever, if you violate these Terms of Use. these Terms of Use. In the event of termination, your right right to use the service will cease immediately.

If you wish to terminate your account, you may simply discontinue use the service or delete your account from the service, or contact us for assistance.


Once an ad has been placed and the transaction completed, the completed, the user has the opportunity to post a notice concerning the sale and/or rental. We strongly encourage you to do so.

The review posted next to the item on the Qijco platform must be made in all sincerity and must relate solely to the advert, and may not in no case be written with the intention of harming the person who placed the the latter.


8.1 Publishing content

Our service allows you to publish content. You are responsible for the content you post on the service, including its legality its legality, reliability and appropriateness.

By posting content on the Platform, you grant us the right and license to use, modify to use, modify, publicly perform and display, reproduce and distribute such content distribute such content on and through the service. You retain all your rights in any content you submit, publish or display on or via the service and you are responsible for protecting those rights. You agree that this license gives us the right to make your content available available to other users of the service.

You represent and warrant that: (1) the content content belongs to you (you own it) or you have the right to use it and grant us the rights and license set forth in these Terms, and terms and conditions, and (2) the publication of your content on or via the service the Service does not violate your rights of privacy, publicity, copyright contractual rights or any other rights of any person.

8.2 Content restrictions

Qijco is not responsible for user content. content. You expressly understand and agree that you are solely responsible for all content and activities that occur on your account, whether by you or by any third party using your account. your account.

You may not transmit any illegal content, offensive, upsetting, intended to disgust, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable. Examples of such objectionable objectionable content include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Illegal or promoting illegal activities. activities.

- Defamatory, discriminatory or mean-spirited content, including including references or comments to religion, race, sexual orientation, gender sexual orientation, gender, national/ethnic origin or other targeted targeted groups.

- Spam, machine or randomly generated, unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, chain letters, any other form of solicitation or any form of lottery or gambling. lottery or game.

- Install viruses, malware or any other content designed content designed or intended to disrupt, damage or limit the operation of any software, hardware or telecommunications equipment, or to damage/obtain unauthorized access to damage/obtain unauthorized access to data or other information of any information.

- Infringe any party's proprietary rights, including trademarks including trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, rights of publicity or other rights.

- Impersonate any person or entity, including Qijco and its employees or representatives.

- Violate a third party's privacy.

- False information and features.

Qijco reserves the right, but not the obligation, determine, in its sole discretion, whether any Content is appropriate and in with these Terms of Use, to refuse or remove such content. content. Qijco further reserves the right to make changes and modify the manner in which modify the manner of any Content.


Payment terms are for online payments only. The platform also offers the option of not paying online.

9.1 Transaction management with Stripe Connect

To facilitate payments from buyers to sellers buyers to sellers or renters to renters, we work with Stripe Connect, a with Stripe Connect, a secure, approved payment service. Stripe Connect collects payments from customers and then distributes them to vendors and rental companies. We do not store any bank details.

9.2 Payment methods

Online payments on our platform offer maximum convenience and enhanced security. To facilitate future transactions, you have the option of save your payment methods. This means you don't have to to re-enter your payment details each time you make a purchase, simplifying simplifying your payment procedures and saving you time.

Authorized means of payment are the following credit cards:
Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

9.3 Payment relationship

A contractual is established between Stripe Connect, sellers/buyers, renters/leasers and and Qijco for payment and commission management. Financial transactions between users pass directly through Stripe Stripe, without Qijco's intervention, which simplifies compliance with regulatory regulatory compliance and allows us to concentrate on our core business.

9.4 Payment payment

By registering on our platform, you also also agree to the Stripe Connect terms and conditions via a separate registration process. It is important to read the Stripe Connect terms and conditions of Stripe Connect, as Qijco cannot be held responsible for any aspects of the payment process.

9.5 Payment payment

Users pay Qijco's purchase and rental fees and Qijco's commissions with their preferred payment method. preferred. The terms and conditions of the financial institution chosen by chosen by the purchaser. Qijco does not intervene in this process and declines any and declines all responsibility for payment.

9.6 Confirmation of transaction

Payment by the buyer/hirer is only made when the when the purchase/rental is confirmed by the seller/hirer, either immediately immediately for a direct booking if the seller or lessor confirms by e-mail, or not confirmed by e-mail, or not at all if the request is refused or if the the user does not reply. Confirmation by e-mail is necessary to to validate the sale or rental, failing which it will be automatically automatically canceled without any charge.

The deadline for acceptance or refusal is 3 days. 

10- SERVICE CHARGES (for online payments)

In addition to the advertised price is added a commission for the use of the platform provided by Qijco, referred to as the "Service Fee". These fees support the operation regular maintenance and ongoing improvements to the platform.

When a Qijco a Qijco user makes a purchase, sale or rental, we apply fixed we apply a fixed fee:

- A fee of 2.70 euros (incl. VAT) is automatically deducted from any amount up to up to 30 euros
- For amounts over 30 euros, a commission of 9% (incl. VAT) applies.

Details of these service charges are explicitly explained in the Frequently Asked Questions category of the platform.

These service charges are clearly indicated to buyers and renters at the time of when initiating or responding to an online sale or rental. If the offer is adjusted or modified by one of the service providers, the associated service charges will be recalculated accordingly. It is essential to any transaction initiated outside the official channels provided by the channels provided by the Qijco website are considered invalid, underlining the importance of importance of using formal channels to guarantee the security and transparency of transparency.

We reserve the right to change our service fees at any time, and we will inform you notify you in advance of any changes to these fees before they take effect. comes into effect. Such fee changes will have no effect on reservations made reservations made prior to the effective date of the modified fee.

We reserve the right to specify, in the future, an additional amount of VAT service charges independent of our commission, in order to comply with to comply with tax changes.


The user declares to accept the present general terms and conditions terms and conditions of sale of the Qijco platform prior to use and consequently before placing ads on the site.

11.1 Duty to inform

As a reminder, the Qijco platform acts solely as an intermediary between users and accepts no responsibility for the veracity responsibility for the accuracy of the ads placed on the site.

All prices are shown inclusive of all applicable taxes.

11.2 Searching for a sale on the platform

Qijco is committed to providing an optimal user experience with an intuitive intuitive and simplified search system, designed to efficiently browse categories and sub-categories available on our website. platform. This search functionality is organized by specific categories, allowing users to easily navigate to the areas that interest them most interest them, such as :

1- Hardware
2- Gardening
3- Construction
4- Tools

Each main category is divided into simplified simplified sub-categories, ensuring that users can refine their search their search without wasting time looking for a sub-category that's too specific sub-category.

For a more targeted use our keyword search function.

We reserve the right to extend these categories to meet the needs of our requirements.

11.3 Sales procedure

Qijco acting as an intermediary offers users the users the possibility to contact each other by clicking on the "details of the property offered for sale, or to facilitate communication facilitate their exchanges before concluding the sale.

The seller will receive immediate notification and can respond to his or her "future" buyer.

If the exchanges are conclusive, the buyer can click on the "Buy" button. the "Buy the tool" button, and have three days for the seller to respond to respond and validate the sale. During this period, the buyer's bank details but no transaction is carried out until the sale is confirmed by the confirmed by the seller. The seller then has the option of to accept or refuse the purchase request. If no response is received within three days, the purchase request is automatically cancelled.

As far as payment is concerned, Qijco has teamed up with Stripe, a payment service security, to manage transactions. This collaboration ensures that payments are made securely and reliably. Qijco does not collect or store users' banking information, ensuring an extra layer of security and confidence in the purchasing process.

The sale is deemed to have been agreed to once these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy have been accepted and concluded after completion of the transaction relating to the goods by the user.

By accepting these Terms of Use, Qijco informs users that it is users that it is strictly forbidden to disclose the publication of any contact information, including telephone numbers, emails or external links in your interactions on the Qijco platform or in your advertisements, under penalty of immediate and permanent exclusion from the platform.

11.4 Cancellation of a sale

11.4.1 Our right to cancel a sale

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel your sale in the event of suspected unauthorized or illegal transaction or exchange.

11.4.2 Cancellation of a sale by the buyer

If, as a buyer, you cancel a sale, the amount the buyer has paid, under less service chargeswill be reimbursed. The seller will not receive the amount of this sale.

In case of abuse and too many cancellations, Qijco reserves the right to delete the buyer's user account.

11.4.3 Cancellation of a sale by the seller

If, as seller, you cancel a sale, the amount paid by the the amount paid by the buyer, including service charges, will be refunded to the buyer and will not be transferred to the seller. 

In case of abuse and too many cancellations, Qijco reserves the right to delete the seller's user account.

11.4.4 Refunds

In the event of non-fulfilment of the sale in the points points 11.4.2 and 11.4.3 of these "General Terms and Conditions of Sale", Qijco undertakes to reimburse the transaction carried out by the original user within 5 to 10 working days.

As mentioned above, Qijco will charge a service fee to the buyer who cancels a sale. a sale.

Qijco assesses at its sole discretion discretion, on the basis of the information available to it, the legitimacy of any the legitimacy of the claims it receives.

11.4.5 Settlement disputes (excluding Qijco's liability)

As mentioned above, Qijco is a platform for bringing users together of users with a view to a sale within the framework of the General guarantee the good working order of the goods sold.

Qijco does not under any circumstances assume responsibility for any form of guarantee the exact identity of the owner or tenant.

Qijco is in no way responsible for any direct or indirect or direct or indirect damages on the sale causing damage to the user or from any cause whatsoever, or for consequential damages loss, breach of trust or any other cause whatsoever. cause.

Qijco disclaims all liability in the event of any disagreement or dispute disputes between the seller and the buyer.


The user declares to accept the present general rental conditions or "GRC" of the Qijco platform prior to use and consequently before placing an ad on the site.

12.1 Duty to inform

As a reminder, the Qijco platform acts solely as an intermediary between users and accepts no responsibility for the veracity responsibility for the accuracy of the ads placed on the site.

All prices are shown inclusive of all applicable taxes.

12.2 Searching for a rental on the platform

The terms and conditions governing the search for a rental on our platform are the same as the conditions already defined in our General Terms and Condition of Sale (Cfr point 11).

12.3 How a rental of a rental

Qijco acting as an intermediary offers users the users the possibility of contacting each other by clicking on the the "Contact" tab regarding the details of the property for rent, or to facilitate to facilitate their exchanges before concluding the rental.

The renter will immediately receive a notification and can respond to their "future" renter securely.

If the exchanges are conclusive, the renter can click on the "Rent" button. "Rent the tool" button. three days for the rental company to respond and validate the rental. During this period, the renter's bank details are requested, but no transaction is until the rental has been confirmed by the rental company. by the rental company. The renter then has the option of accepting or refusing the rental request. request. If no reply is received within three days, the purchase request is automatically purchase request is automatically cancelled.

As far as payment is concerned, Qijco has teamed up with Stripe, a payment service security, to manage transactions. This collaboration ensures that payments are made securely and reliably. Qijco does not collect or store users' banking information, ensuring an extra layer of security and confidence in the purchasing process.

The sale is deemed to have been consented to once the present Conditions Terms of Use and Privacy Policy are accepted and concluded after completion of the transaction relating to the goods by the user.

By accepting these Terms of Use, Qijco informs users that it is users that it is strictly forbidden to disclose the publication of any contact information, including telephone numbers, emails or external links in your interactions on the Qijco platform or in your advertisements, under penalty of immediate and permanent exclusion from the platform.

12.4 Cancellation of a rental

12.4.1 Our right to cancel a rental

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel your rental in the event of suspected suspected fraud or unauthorized or illegal transactions or exchanges.

12.4.2 Cancellation of a sale by the lessee

If, as a tenant, you cancel a rental, the amount the tenant has paid paid, less Service Charge will be refunded. The lessor will not collect the amount of the for this rental.

In case of abuse and too many cancellations, Qijco reserves the right to delete the renter's user account.

12.4.3 Cancellation of a sale by the lessor

If, as the renter, you cancel a rental the amount paid by the renter, including the Service Fee, will be refunded to the renter and will not be transferred to the lessor. refunded to the renter and will not be transferred to the lessor.

In case of abuse and too many cancellations, Qijco reserves the right to delete the seller's user account.

12.4.4 Refunds

In the event of of non-fulfilment of the sale, and this, in the points mentioned in point 12.4.2 and 12.4.3 of these "GRC", Qijco undertakes to reimburse the transaction the transaction carried out by the original user within within 5 to 10 working days.

As mentioned above, Qijco will charge a service fee to the renter who has cancelled a rental.

Qijco assesses at its sole discretion, based on the its sole discretion, on the basis of the information at its disposal, the legitimacy received.

12.4.5 Settlement disputes (excluding Qijco's liability)

As mentioned above, Qijco is a platform for bringing users together users with a view to renting under the "GRC" scheme, and therefore cannot can therefore give no guarantee as to the good working order of the property sold.

Qijco does not accept responsibility for any form of deposit, nor for checking the the exact identity of the owner or tenant.

Qijco is in no way responsible for any direct or indirect or direct or indirect damage to the rental resulting in damage to the to its user or from any cause whatsoever, or for consequential damages loss, breach of trust or any other cause whatsoever. cause.

Qijco accepts no liability for any disagreements or disputes between the between the lessor and the lessee.

12.4.6 Rental lease

Qijco offers you a rental contract in the "Frequently Asked Questions" section. users can sign it together and validate the terms of the transaction to avoid any disputes between them.

However, users are of course free to use any other contract contract of their own choosing.

Qijco is not liable for any grievances and serves only as an intermediary only as an intermediary to put users in contact with each other. in the event of a dispute.

In addition, the lessor is completely free to ask the lessee for a deposit of his or her choice of his choice, in order to make the hirer responsible for the return of the goods property.

12.4.7 Security deposit

The security deposit is at the hirer's discretion. The The lessor reserves the right to set or not to set a deposit according to its own its own policy. The amount of the deposit, if required, will be determined by the lessor by the lessor and communicated to the lessee prior to the conclusion of the rental. The deposit is explicitly mentioned in the ad description. The tenant accepts that the lessor may withhold all or part of the deposit in the event of in the event of damage, non-compliance with rental conditions or any other reason the present Terms of Use. The rental company is entirely responsible for defining and applying its own conditions in the event of in the event of damage to or non-return of the rented property.

12.4.8 Liability and third-party insurance

Qijco strongly encourages all users to take out civil liability insurance to cover any damage caused by the rental of a property. In some cases, home insurance may also cover such damage.

The user who concludes a rental contract is subscribed to an insurance policy for the rented equipment. This insurance policy covers theft fire, material and physical damage.

Qijco does not offer any insurance and is not liable for any damages responsible for any damage caused by the rental and declines all accident, loss, theft or any other form of damage to the rented item. damage to the rented property. It is the responsibility of each user to take reasonable care property in a careful, diligent and responsible manner.

12.4.9 Safety safety requirements (CE marking)

In accordance Belgian legislation and European standards, all rented products are subject to safety safety obligations and may be subject to CE marking, where applicable. CE marking, where applicable.

The CE mark indicates that the product meets health and safety standards required by European legislation. However, it is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that products are used manufacturer's instructions and in compliance with safety standards. safety standards.

We strongly recommend that our customers familiarize themselves to familiarize themselves with the safety standards applicable to each rented product. By using our services, users accept these standards.

For further information on safety requirements and CE marking CE marking, please consult the European Commission' s official website via this link : 

CE marking

or SPF Economie via the following links:

Product rental safety


Frequently asked questions


At Qijco, we'd like to inform you about recent European tax directives.

In Belgium, the sale of second-hand goods between private individuals is generally not subject to tax. However, since as of January 1, 2023, a new European directive called DAC7 came into force all online platforms, including Qijco.

In accordance with DAC7, we are now obliged to collect information about your sales/rentals via Qijco and pass it on to the Belgian tax authorities. You will be asked to provide additional if you meet one of the following criteria during the calendar year calendar year:

1- You have 30 or more sales/rentals.


2- You have sold/rented for more than €2,000

The data required varies according to depending on your status:

1- For individual users: Name, address, date of birth, national registration number.
2- For professional users: Company name, main address, Belgian company number, VAT number, trade register register, explanation as to the existence of a fixed establishment within the within the EU.

It's important to note that even if you have to complete a report because of one of these one of these criteria, it does not necessarily mean that you will have to pay taxes. pay taxes, as the sale of personal items remains tax-free.


You hereby agree to be informed by Qijco of new regulations new regulations for the following services:

- digital services regulations DMA (Digital Markets Act) via this link :

Digital Markets Regulations

- Digital Services Act (DSA ) Regulations:

Digital Services Regulations


Qijco acts as an intermediary. In fact, as mentioned above a platform that puts users in touch with each other, hosting the ads by sellers and/or buyers and landlords/tenants.

Qijco in no way guarantees the veracity, quality and integrity of the content and information posted by all users.

Qijco nevertheless reserves the right to modify, delete or withdraw any content any content that is contrary to public order and/or violates the terms of these terms of these "GRC" and/or "GTCS".

Consequently, the user who communicates false information in connection with will be held solely responsible for any damage caused.

The latter hereby waives all claims against Qijco.

Qijco makes every effort to maintain the platform accessible accessible 7 days out of 7 hours, however, access to the platform may be be temporarily suspended, without prior notice, due to technical maintenance maintenance, migration or updating operations, or due to breakdowns or network network constraints.

Qijco cannot therefore be held responsible for any malfunction, impossibility of impossibility of access, misuse, or for any cause beyond its control. beyond its control.

In addition, Qijco reserves the right to modify or interrupt, at its sole discretion its sole discretion, on a temporary or permanent basis, all or part of the access to the platform or any of its functionalities.


All elements of the website are the exclusive intellectual property of the the company.

This applies in particular to trademarks, texts, logos and photographs.

Without the company's express authorization, it is strictly forbidden to to reproduce, distribute, exploit or use any data or computer code of the website, under penalty of prosecution.

The rights of use granted by Qijco to users are access to sale/rental offers and the submission of offers, the use of this information information for private and personal use only for the duration of the subscription to the platform.

The user undertakes not to make any other use of the site without authorisation from Qijco.


The Belgian courts shall have sole jurisdiction to rule on any dispute concerning relating to these Terms of Use, as well as their validity, interpretation their interpretation, execution and/or termination and the consequences thereof. This list is not exhaustive.


Qijco reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. conditions of use at any time.

Qijco will immediately inform the user in advance and the user must accept modifications made by the platform in order for them to be to be binding.

In case of refusal, the user may terminate his account directly and stop using the platform via his account settings or by notifying Qijco by e-mail at the following address:


Qijco informs that the user who has communicated personal data will be used data will be used exclusively for technical, administrative and commercial administration and commercial purposes in connection with the services offered by Qijco.

Qijco informs that this data may be transmitted to certain public bodies for which Qijco may be obliged to respond to any legal, administrative or other request. administrative or other request. This data will only be kept for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

By accepting these "GRC" and "GTCS", the user gives his/her consent to the use of his/her personal data personal data to Qijco and to any public bodies upon request. request.

The user is obliged to inform Qijco of any information concerning personal data to Qijco, and that refusal to do so will prevent access to the platform.

In accordance with the RGPD, the user has a right of access, rectification rectification and opposition on legitimate grounds to personal information information concerning him/her, which he/she may exercise by simple request to to the following e-mail address: